
Conference on the Port of Ravenna

The Port of Ravenna logistic system: a Mediterranean gateway to and from Europe
Tuesday 23rd April 2024, 16.00-18.00
rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels


The Port of Ravenna Authority, Gruppo SAPIR and Gruppo Federtrasporti, in collaboration with the Emilia Romagna Region, are pleased to present the Port of Ravenna intermodal logistic system.

  • 16.00 – 16.10 Welcome addresses
    • Lorenza Badiello, Head of Emilia Romagna Region Delegation to the EU.
    • Giorgio Del Bin, Director of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Belgium


  • 16.10 – 16.20 Keynote speech
    • Szymon Oscislowski – European Commission, DG MOVE, Deputy Head of Unit D.1 – Maritime Transport and Logistics : “Greening freight for more economic gain”.


  • 16.20 – 17.40 Panel moderated by Godfried Smit – Secretary General of the European Shippers’ Council
    • Andrea Corsini – Emilia Romagna’s Regional Councilor for Mobility and Transport, Infrastructure, tourism and commerce: “The logistics system in Emilia-Romagna: priorities and challenges”


    • Mario Petrosino – the Port System Authority of the central-northern Adriatic Sea, Chief Operating Officer: “The development projects of the Port of Ravenna and the CEF-funded MERIDIAN project”.


    • Riccardo Sabadini – Gruppo SAPIR, President : “The terminals, services and development projects of SAPIR”.


    • Fabrizio Ossani – Gruppo Federtrasporti, General Coordinator: “The industrial plan for themultimodal transport logistics platform in the Ravenna Port”.


  • 17.40 – 17-50 Questions & Answers


  • 17.50 – 18.00 Conclusion and closing remarks by Godfried Smit – Secretary General of the European Shippers’ Council


A networking cocktail will follow from 6 to 7 pm

Venue: Emilia Romagna Brussels’ office in rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Bruxelle