Fostering digitalisation
of the mobility system

We target expansion of digital infrastructure, implementation and roll-out of C-ITS in central Europe.





EU countries


A short introduction

The MERIDIAN project will foster digitalisation of the mobility system focussing mainly on the CEF Core Network Corridors Scandinavian-Mediterranean and North Sea-Baltic. This will be achieved by implementing digital systems and services along the busiest European freight corridors. The project will further target expansion of digital infrastructure, roll-out of C-ITS in central Europe, implementation of ITS for bottlenecks on open road and tunnels, digital corridor management and Multimodal Services. Its implementations will support common objectives to increase traffic safety and reduce congestion.

News & Events

ArbIS hosts data on planned and current road works for the Bavarian network to, among others, enable harmonised planning for optimised traffic management and high quality traffic data for publication by traffic information and navigation service providers. The system is constantly updated according to requirements and was updated to…
The purpose of task T1.04 is to exchange and build up knowledge on relevant topics, amongst others Digital Infrastructure, C-ITS, Bottleneck and Digital Corridor Management and Multimodal Services, etc. This time a virtual workshop was organised around Digital Infrastructure, i.e. Artificial Intelligence in Mobility. You can find the agenda, the presentations and the recording of the workshop…
The Port of Ravenna logistic system: a Mediterranean gateway to and from EuropeTuesday 23rd April 2024, 16.00-18.00rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels   The Port of Ravenna Authority, Gruppo SAPIR and Gruppo Federtrasporti, in collaboration with the Emilia Romagna Region, are pleased to present the Port of Ravenna intermodal logistic system. 16.00 – 16.10 Welcome addresses Lorenza Badiello,…
On the 4th and 5th of June, The Latvian road authority Latvijas Valsts Celi will welcome us for the first Steering Committee of 2024 in Riga. During the Steering Committee we will discuss the ongoing business of MERIDIAN and Ursa Major Neo and present several projects.  The second day the Latvian colleagues will show us their traffic…

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