Installation of photovoltaic variable message signs and traffic detection systems

Autostrada del Brennero installed variable message signs to inform users about dynamic speed reduction measures for environmental purposes as continuation of the activities carried out within the BrennerLEC (Brenner Lower Emissions Corridor) project.

From 2016 to 2021 Autostrada del Brennero coordinated the BrennerLEC project, co-funded by the European Commission. Its main aim was the creation of a lower emissions corridor (LEC) along the A22 motorway section through the Trentino-Alto Adige region, by implementing on an experimental basis dynamic traffic management systems for the improvement of air quality, climate protection and noise protection in some pilot sections (LEZ – lower emission zones).

Implementation of a Digital Infrastructure along the Brenner Corridor

Autostrada del Brennero is implementing a Digital Infrastructure based on a Mobility-as-a-Service concept to manage traffic not only along the Brenner motorway, but also in the surrounding area all along the Brenner corridor.

Within this project the information concerning the motorway is enriched with information on the mobility of the suburban network of the territories that the motorway corridor crosses (information on service levels, emergencies, etc.). The project is therefore unique in that it aims at the construction of a European digital motorway corridor, bringing together infrastructures and services of different geographical areas and spatial competences, both national and cross-border, ultimately making the data and information accessible to third parties for the creation of services user services, or other purposes.

Low-cost sensors for air quality measurement

Autostrada del Brennero installed low-cost sensors to monitor air quality in the framework of dynamic speed reduction measures.

From 2016 to 2021 Autostrada del Brennero coordinated the European project BrennerLEC (Brenner Lower Emissions Corridor), co-funded by the European Commission. Its main aim was the creation of a lower emissions corridor (LEC) along the A22 motorway section through the Trentino-Alto Adige region, by implementing on an experimental basis dynamic traffic management systems for the improvement of air quality, climate protection and noise protection in some pilot sections (LEZ – lower emission zones).

Deliverable D1 – D1.11 – Onsite visit LV – Report

On the 5th of June 2024, the Latvian State Roads organised a MERIDIAN onsite visit in Riga, Latvia. 30 representatives of the MERIDIAN partners participated in the onsite visit.

The one-site visit was organized with the aim of familiarizing the MERIDIAN partners with a comparatively different solution than in other countries regarding digital traffic management and infrastructure management solutions in combination with a publicprivate partnership model, in which the private partner not only designs and builds the infrastructure but also maintains it and ensures its full accessibility to road users.

Deliverable D18 – D1.08 – Onsite visit BE – Report

On the 20th-21st of June 2024, The Flemish Government – Agency for Roads and Traffic organised a MERIDIAN onsite visit in Ghent, Belgium.

The Belgian onsite visit was organized as a self-contained event (not connected to a steering committee or other MERIDIAN meeting). To allow the highest attendance possible the onsite visit was followed by a knowledge building C-ITS workshop. The event was organised as a noon-to-noon event on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st of June 2024.

Deliverable 1.7 – “D1.07 – Onsite visit DE – Report”

The Autobahn has introduced its “Truck Parking – ITP Info to NAP” project to MERIDIAN partners. This activity involves equipping parking spaces with radar detection and forwarding information on available free parking spaces to the German NAP (Mobilithek). This step is seen as necessary in Germany in order to better brand existing parking spaces for better use. Newly built parking spaces should be equipped with detectors during construction. As part of the funding in MERIDIAN, in addition to the equipment, the provision of data in the NAP and in the Autobahn app is also being funded. Further, The Autobahn has the right to provide information on free parking spaces using appropriate interactive signage on the access roads to the rest areas.

Traffic Analysis and Video Sensor Deployment Project

The Municipality of Trento is implementing an advanced traffic analysis project to enhance road management and safety. This initiative involves deploying video sensors on municipal roads and updating existing systems, expanding the data transmission network, and a modern centralized data and video management system (VMS). The collected data will be shared with regional partners to foster collaborative traffic solutions.

T1.04.02 C-ITS

The purpose of task T1.04 is to exchange and build up knowledge on relevant topics, amongst others Digital Infrastructure, C-ITS, Bottleneck and Digital Corridor Management and Multimodal Services, etc.
The workshops summarized in this report are focused on the topic of Digital Corridor Management, and selected areas of interest thereof.

Newsletter November

Throwback to the Steering Committee in Dublin. Björn Siebert welcomed the participants to the SC meeting. He introduced the agenda and mentioned Phase II which would be explained in detail in upcoming slides. He also introduced new attendees and the presenters from Ireland. He shared the exciting news that we were celebrating the first-year anniversary of the MERIDIAN project. 

Newsletter July

Throwback to the Steering Committee in Amsterdam. After successful Steering Committees in Catania, Munich and Ghent, it was now to Amsterdam and
Rijkswaterstaat to host the fourth MERIDIAN Steering Committee. Monday the 12th of July started
with a joint lunch to welcome each other and catch up on recent activities at the Park Plaza Victoria.
Afterwards we all went up to start the Steering Committee with two task presentations.