News & Events


Short term and long term goal of MERIDIAN

MERIDIAN is a groundbreaking project uniting road operators and authorities on a shared mission: to unleash the power of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) and enhance the flow of…

EU co-funded Projects MegaBITS and MERIDIAN join forces in Taskforce Smart Cycling

This year the Interreg North Sea project MegaBITS and the CEF funded TEN-T project MERIDIAN will be joining forces to increase the knowledge in the domain of smart cycling and to develop a roadmap…

Throwback to the Steering Committee in Dublin

Björn Siebert welcomed the participants to the SC meeting. He introduced the agenda and mentioned Phase II which would be explained in detail in upcoming slides. He also introduced new attendees and the presenters…

Amsterdam SCM

After successful Steering Committees in Catania, Munich and Ghent, it was now to Amsterdam and Rijkswaterstaat to host the fourth MERIDIAN Steering Committee. Monday the 12th of July started with a joint lunch to…

Mobilidata: Smart trafficlight

Inside the building of the Flemish road authority Agentschap Wegen & Verkeer (AWV) the Steering Committee eye witnessed the latest developments and future possibilities of using smart traffic lights. In this demonstration a portable…


Conference on the Port of Ravenna

The Port of Ravenna logistic system: a Mediterranean gateway to and from EuropeTuesday 23rd April 2024, 16.00-18.00rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels   The Port of Ravenna Authority, Gruppo SAPIR and Gruppo Federtrasporti, in collaboration…

Steering Committee Riga

On the 4th and 5th of June, The Latvian road authority Latvijas Valsts Celi will welcome us for the first Steering Committee of 2024 in Riga. During the Steering Committee we will discuss the…

Capitalisation workshop & Knowledge building workshop in Livorno

On 13 December 2023, the MERIDIAN capitalisation workshop with a focus on multimodal activities was held in Livorno at the Interporto Toscano Amerigo Vespucci, organized jointly by SINA, the port authority of the northern…

Third DCM workshop

The third knowledge building expert workshop on the topic of Digital Corridor Management was held on September 25th.  As guest speaker we invited Mr. Enrico Ferrante who was previously leader of the Expert Group on Traffic…

Steering committee meeting in Dublin, Ireland

For the next MERIDIAN Steering Committee partners will be welcomed in Dublin on behalf of the Irish partners. The Steering Committee will take place on the 10th and 11th of October 2023.  A summery…

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