
Knowledge Building: C-ITS

During the MERIDIAN Ghent steering committee meeting a kick-off session was organized of the C-ITS knowledge building topic.  The objective is to exchange knowledge between the 4 C-ITS tasks to learn about: similar past and current problems and solutions and future steps and integrations of task learnings.

The 4 C-ITS related tasks were presented: Mobilidata (Agency for Roads and Traffic), Phase II of the C-ITS Road works warning roll-out (Die Autobahn), C-ITS Corridor Services to the port of Livorno (Autorita di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale) and Safety Priority Services – I2V data provision for in-car warnings (Ministerie I&W).  The session concluded with a highly interactive Q&A and discussion.

In addition, the presentations of the ports of Livorno, Trieste, La Spezia and Ravenna formed the introduction of the Multimodal/Intermodal Services knowledge building topic.

Great interest was shown and the limited time available certainly calls for a more detailed workshop to exchange knowledge and experience at a deeper level in the near future.