
Short term and long term goal of MERIDIAN

MERIDIAN is a groundbreaking project uniting road operators and authorities on a shared mission: to unleash the power of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) and enhance the flow of traffic.

Short term and long term goal of MERIDIAN
This project mirrors European ambitions for traffic management championed by Rijkswaterstaat’s traffic and water management division, as well as Rijkswaterstaat’s focus on Smart Mobility.

In the short term, Rijkswaterstaat will be lending support as co-financing opportunities arise. The organisation has a vast reservoir of knowledge, which it will share with the submitted projects.

In the long term, this will involve close cooperation with European partners for sustained progress in creating a fully interconnected continent.

MERIDIAN pioneers transport solutions for better safety and connectivity
In the MERIDIAN project, partners join forces to implement innovative initiatives along the corridors mentioned above. The projects have been carefully selected on maturity and likelihood of continuity.

The ultimate goal is to improve road safety, optimise the use of the TEN-T network and foster a seamless multimodal experience within the corridor. By embracing these advancements, MERIDIAN will play a key role in reducing environmental impacts and curbing greenhouse gas emissions, paving the way for a more sustainable and eco-friendly transport landscape.

Building a sustainable future with MERIDIAN’s innovative transport solutions
By aligning with the European Union’s transport policy on ITS, MERIDIAN is set to equip the TEN-T network with innovative technologies and systems that will pave the way for a safer, greener and more connected future.

Guided by the EU ITS Action Plan and the ITS Directive, MERIDIAN supports interoperable, cross-border and end-to-end services. The aim is to enhance road safety, increase the use of the TEN-T network and ignite a new era of seamless multimodal experiences within the corridor.

The project’s impact extends far beyond transport, however. By curbing greenhouse gases and reducing the environmental impact, MERIDIAN is helping to build a more sustainable society. Indeed, the project serves as a catalyst to build lasting partnerships and cultivate an ecosystem of innovation and progress.

Project period
2021 – 2025

€ 131.477.543,-

European programme