T2.05 LV Digital solutions for transport infrastructure data collection and management

Overview/ summary

The main objective of this project is to optimize the use of existing road infrastructure capacity.

It will help to achieve the modernization and digitalization of the transport infrastructure for the core and comprehensive networks of the TEN-T by implementing digitalized data about transport infrastructure in Latvia. Digitalized data will include detailed information about location, condition, technical parameters, and other important information about assets on the TEN-T core and comprehensive network in Latvia. That will be achieved by using modern digital equipment and solutions (laser scanning technologies, artificial intelligence). These data will be harmonized with National Access Point and LST asset management systems and used for the improvement of the traffic and road maintenance management work. Improvement of transport data availability will ensure more optimal and effective usage of financial resources, planning of maintenance works, and management.


To ensure the digitalization of transport sectors and increase the availability of data for transport safety in the whole TEN-T road network, it is important to involve smart and innovative solutions for the creation, collection, management, sharing, and dissemination of transport data. In Latvia, this is still an unsolved but essential issue. Especially related to the implementation of transport National Access Point (NAP). Therefore, on the core and comprehensive networks of the TEN-T in the territory of Latvia in this project is planned to introduce innovative digital solutions for the creation and management of the transport assets data by using non-intrusive and non-destructive measurement technology and artificial intelligence.

During this project, an improved asset management system and technical solutions for the data collection on the TEN-T network in Latvia would serve as a basis for interconnection with other information systems and provide these systems with up-to-date data on the national road network. The data and information stored in the LSR’s asset management system will be transferred to the NAP for road transport sector information and other open data portals, following the data structure set out in the INSPIRE Directive.

Realization of this project will supplement project No. implemented by LSR (2021-2023) and co-financed by the Cohesion Fund “Implementation of the national access point for transport sector information in Latvia” (NAP project) and promote compliance with the requirements of the ITS Directive and Regulations No. 885/2013, No. 886/2013, No. 2015/96, No. 2017/1926. Due to the implementation of this project, the missing part of the NAP project, which is urgently important for the functioning of the NAP, will be implemented – the creation and management of the transport asset data. This project will also promote the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive (No. 2007/2 / EC), ensuring the collection and transfer of digital data about public transport infrastructure to national and EU-level geoportals.

Further reading

For more information contact the LSR project managers: janis.vilcins@lvceli.lv and mairis.cukurs@lvceli.lv

Pictures/media/video's/news items

The core message

The main objective of this project is to optimize the use of existing road infrastructure capacity.

Two main activities will be implemented till the end of the MERIDIAN project in December 2025:

  1. Using non-intrusive measurement technology and artificial intelligence for data collection

With a regular survey of the road network with dedicated measurement equipment will be collected the most up-to-date data on the structural (bearing capacity) and functional (roughness, different damage) properties of the road pavement, and the condition of its assets (markings, road signs). That will provide an opportunity to analyze current and historical information about the infrastructure. To provide the asset management system with the most up-to-date information on the condition of the assets, it is necessary to provide LSR employees with suitable equipment for fieldwork and information recording. Such equipment will facilitate the work and provide opportunities for more efficient exchange and input of information into the systems away from the office. Analysis and comparison of the obtained data in the system using computer vision and artificial intelligence will be done. Development of customized software solutions for historical, and current transport infrastructure data collection, analysis, and modeling of causal relations. The obtained information will be used for predictive road maintenance and planning of renovation works.

  1. Data collection and management

Creation of high-performance data infrastructure. That is necessary to ensure the continuous operation of the system (server) with several simultaneous connections. High-capacity cloud-based infrastructure under the direct management of LVC will ensure uninterrupted availability and operation of the system.

The main benefit of this project will be increased effectiveness of road asset operation and management, and the availability of data for decision-making support in relevant business processes of transport safety, collaborative logistics, and multimodal travel.

The primary users of the project results will be the LSR structural departments and the owner of the state road infrastructure – the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia. Named parties will benefit by using modern technology to collect, disseminate, and use the transport infrastructure data for the needs of the national access point, TEN-T network road maintenance, and reconstruction in Latvia. In turn, the secondary users of the project results will be the whole society – users of the TEN-T network. When more accurate and up-to-date data about road infrastructure is available for society, safer and faster traffic will be ensured. In addition, from the implementation of this project, increased efficiency of the national and EU funds used for the reconstruction and maintenance of the road infrastructure will be achieved. For example, by knowing the traffic intensity and adding advanced data on the pavement condition, a more accurate list of priority of road sections that need to be reconstructed can be developed. In this way, the available funds can be invested directly in those road infrastructure projects where it is most necessary from the societal, safety, and road infrastructure sustainability point of view.