T4.04 DE “Digital Green Brenner Corridor”: ArBIS Roll-Out to regional partners on the Alpine Corridor

Overview/ summary

The roll our of ArbIS to regional partners on the Alpine corridor is essential for traffic management and traffic information provision to drivers on this route. Including information on planned roadworks on secondary roads is core to establish a sound planning structure to avoid traffic jams by rerouting the traffic streams from one to another roadworks in the planning stage while traffic information on current roadworks is essential for routing and ad hoc traffic management services.


The roll our of ArbIS to regional partners on the Alpine corridor is essential for traffic management and traffic information provision to drivers on this route. Including information on planned roadworks on secondary roads is core to establish a sound planning structure to avoid traffic jams by rerouting the traffic streams from one to another roadworks in the planning stage while traffic information on current roadworks is essential for routing and ad hoc traffic management services.

Further reading

The content is available at https://www.bayerninfo.de/en/map. For further information, please contact Axel Burkert State Directorate for Building Bavaria axel.burkert@lbd.bayern.de +49 89 558918210

Pictures/media/video's/news items

The core message

The roll out of ArbIS to regional partners on the Alpine corridor significantly enhances  will enhance traffic information and traffic management on the alpine corridor. The task follows this implementation schedule:

  • Discussions with potential regional partners (Landkreise) – done in 2022. Systematics are utilised by further extending the integration towards similar regional partners.
  • Integration of HERE-Map into ArbIS – scheduled for Q4/2023
  • ArbIS 2.0 development – ongoing, scheduled to be finalised by 2023
  • Elaboration of coordination maps for planning – scheduled for Q3/2023 and adapted thereafter depending on requirements.