Overview/ summary

Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) has embarked on an extensive ITS network deployment programme that has seen the roll out of conventional ITS on the N40, Dunkettle Advanced Works and Dunkettle Main works ITS Schemes in Cork city.

The C-ITS project will focus on the deployment of:

  • Applications/Services, and Use cases
  • Roadside units (RSUs)
  • On-Board Units (OBUs) with Human Machine Interface (HMI) in vehicles
  • Communications Infrastructure
  • Support systems (Operational software and Cybersecurity management systems)

C-ITS functionality allows for traditional ITS and incident detection systems to be migrated from fixed locations into the actual vehicles using the network, allowing for the more timely capture and communication of traffic events in real time. This allows on-board, vehicular systems and roadside transport infrastructure to work together cooperatively to deliver outcomes that transcend the boundaries of what traditional standalone ITS devices and vehicle applications can deliver.

Even though the existing ITS network is effective in managing traffic conditions, the introduction of a C-ITS network provides the functionality needed to enable data exchange between vehicles and infrastructure This technology, therefore, offers a more streamlined approach to information dissemination and is one of the building blocks in the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) value chain. The C-ITS network will also assist in enhancing the digital corridor management capabilities on the motorways and major urban roads in Cork City, Ireland.


Motorways in Ireland have experienced growth in demand over the last few decades due to a rise in vehicular traffic, impacting greatly on the operational capacity of the various high volume road sections during peak hours. The increased vehicular activity is also highly likely to have adverse implications on road safety and mobility as well as negative environmental impacts, resulting in a rise in collisions, congestion, and poor air quality across the highly trafficked sections of motorway in and around Cork city. To that end, Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) has made concerted efforts to deploy various Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), with C-ITS being the latest technology to be deployed to improve traffic management and efficiency through real time information dissemination and vehicle data collection.

Further reading

If readers want to know more, where can they go to? Whom can they contact? Alan Fortune, Transport Infrastructure Ireland alan.fortune@tii.ie David Laoide-Kemp David.Laoide-Kemp@arup.com Munya Mutyora munya.mutyora@arup.com   General C-ITS Websites: C-Roads Platform https://www.c-roads.eu/platform.html Car2Car Consortium https://www.car-2-car.org/about-c-its C-ITS Deployment Group https://c-its-deployment-group.eu/ Cooperative Urban Mobility Portal https://co-ump.eu/why-c-its/ European Transport Safety Council https://etsc.eu/briefing-cooperative-intelligent-transport-systems-c-its/

Pictures/media/video's/news items

The core message

The key aims and objectives of the C-ITS deployment are to:

  • Deploy C-ITS functionality along key sections of the national road network (and its urban network interchanges) to provide a range of C-ITS services and use cases
  • Build on the deployment to develop a roadmap to include all Day 1 and Day 1+ C-ITS services
  • Consider, as part of the deployment, the impact of C-ITS from a technological, safety, efficiency and compliance perspective and using established guidance from the EUEIP, C-Roads Working Groups, wider European guidance and agreed national approaches,
  • Create a performance framework that addresses the individual elements deployed, the technical and policy elements around interoperability, regulation etc as well at the system level in order to lead to a network wide steppingstone for national C-ITS deployment,
  • To enable Ireland’s road operators and industry partners to improve their capability in disruptive technologies, and provide a meaningful contribution to the EU knowledge sharing group/s,
  • To support and drive industry involvement which will accelerate C-ITS service development and deployment and support the development of a network which is fit for the present and for the future, and,
  • Create a data management framework that will be used to underpin investment at a national level for C-ITS Services

Results expected

  • Improve mobility (reduce congestion)
  • Improve road safety
  • Improve incident management
  • Environment / Reduce emissions
  • Improve information dissemination to public and key transport role players for better decision making and transport management
  • Present an opportunity to evaluate effectiveness of C-ITS technologies with a view for possible further deployment
  • Facilitate vehicle probe data collection and analysis

Project description
The MERIDIAN Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) will be located on the N40, M8, N25 and N8 motorways leading up to Jack Lynch Tunnel and Dunkettle Interchange and will focus on the deployment of:

  • Applications/Services, and Use cases
  • Deployment of Roadside units (RSUs)
  • Installation of On-Board Units (OBUs) with Human Machine Interface (HMI) in vehicles
  • Communications Infrastructure
  • Support systems (Operational software and Cybersecurity management systems)

Implementation schedule