As main operator of the Italian road network, Anas (FS Italiane Group) is engaged in the digital transformation of infrastructure to improve environmental, social and economic sustainability in accordance with the guidelines of the European Union. Among the others, Anas participates in the European project “CEF MERIDIAN” (21-EU-TG-MERIDIAN) as part of a broad international partnership led by the German Federal Ministry of Digital and Traffic (Bundesministerium Für Digitales Und Verkehr). The aim is promoting the digitalization of the mobility network through the implementation of digital systems and services along the busiest European freight corridors.
Anas participates to the project Meridian through the Task n.4.08 – “Tunnel 4.0”, responding at the WP4 “Bottleneck and Digital Corridor Management”. The goal of the task is to implement, in some Anas tunnels, sensors capable of detecting parameters (e.g., temperature, vibrations, air opacity, speed, CO2, NOX, etc.) which influence the management of the road infrastructure, in order to carry out predictive maintenance.
The collection, provision and sharing of multimodal data as well as the implementation of ITS services improve the resilience of TEN-T network infrastructures. Data are no longer simply records but a strategic valuable source from which derive significant information necessary to define strategies, budget forecast and maintenance schedules. The use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) may represent an effective and efficient analysis tool to promote faster data analysis and classification. Technologies and sensors installed on tunnels connected to an efficient management system, using artificial intelligence techniques, anticipates critical issues and allows the definition of a maintenance plan.
Founded in 1928, as main national operator of the Italian road network, today Anas is engaged in the digital transformation of infrastructure to improve environmental, social and economic sustainability in accordance with the guidelines of the European Union. Among the others, Anas participates in the European project “CEF MERIDIAN” (21-EU-TG-MERIDIAN) as part of a broad international partnership led by the German Federal Ministry of Digital and Traffic (Bundesministerium Für Digitales Und Verkehr). The aim is promoting the digitalization of the mobility system through the implementation of digital systems and services along the busiest European freight corridors. Anas responded to this project with the task “Tunnel 4.0” aimed at improving quality of infrastructure remote monitoring and enhancing emergency interventions and maintenance operations.
One of Anas’ main objectives in digital transformation is to increase the safety of the Italian road network. With this aim Anas is constantly looking for innovative projects and solutions, as Tunnel 4.0, improving quality of infrastructure remote monitoring and enhancing emergency interventions and maintenance operations.
Technologies and sensors installed in tunnels and an efficient management system, using artificial intelligence techniques, enable:
The goals are:
Improving asset lifetime.