Trento is the largest city of the Autonomous Province of Trento and daily attracts thousands of citizens that move through and within the city area. Moreover, the territory of Trento is a crucial node in the Brenner Corridor for foreign and national tourists heading towards regional and national tourist destinations.
Traffic monitoring is thus an important task for the Municipality of Trento, which boasts a long experience in both traffic monitoring and video surveillance systems. However, its traffic monitoring platform currently does not allow the integration nor the distribution of data with other territorial entities. Moreover, some important municipality roads are currently still not or poorly monitored.
In the framework of the MERIDIAN project the Municipality will thus sensibly extend its traffic monitoring capacity by means of new video sensors. Such sensors will be capable of counting and classifying vehicles, and detecting traffic congestion. An upgrade of the existing system based on inductive loops will also be carried out.
In order to support the new video sensors deployed during the project, the whole video surveillance platform will be updated. Moreover, the municipal fibre optic network will be extended in order to improve the connectivity or cover new areas mainly in the eastern hills of the city in correspondence with new sensors.
The real time data provided by new and upgraded sensors will be made available to the other project partners, in particular to the regional partners (Autonomous Province of Trento, Autonomous Province of Bolzano and Brenner Highway). This will allow significant synergies along the so-called Digital Green Brenner Corridor and will guarantee added value to the information that, in cooperation with the activities carried out by the other partners, will be distributed to users of the road network with the aim of optimising traffic levels and travel times.
Trento is the largest city of the Autonomous Province of Trento and daily attracts thousands of citizens that move through and within the city area. Moreover, the territory of Trento is a crucial node in the Brenner Corridor for foreign and national tourists heading towards Lake Garda and Italian seaside destinations in summer, and alpine valleys in both summer and winter.
Traffic monitoring is thus an important task for the Municipality of Trento, which boasts a long experience in both traffic monitoring and video surveillance systems. However, its traffic monitoring platform currently does not allow the integration nor the distribution of data with other territorial entities. Moreover, some important municipality roads are currently still not or poorly monitored.
In the framework of the MERIDIAN project the Municipality aims at modernising and extending its traffic monitoring infrastructure both to improve its geographical coverage, in particular on the eastern hills of the city, and to allow the sharing of traffic data to its regional partners. This will be achieved by installing new video traffic sensors, connected to the main municipality data network by means of fibre optic links. The new video sensors will be capable of counting and classifying vehicles, and detecting traffic congestion. A general upgrade of the existing monitoring system based on inductive loops will also be carried out. The extension and upgrade of the monitoring network will thus allow for greater capillarity of detection and a better level of quality and completeness of information.
In order to support the new video sensors deployed during the project, the whole video surveillance platform of the city will be updated. This will enable the integration between video surveillance and traffic monitoring, e.g., allowing real time alarms related to traffic jams triggering the visualisation of the relative video streams. This is currently not possible with the softwares in use and will greatly improve the knowledge of the traffic status in real time. As a result, the management of both ordinary traffic and possible unexpected events by the staff of the municipality will be optimised.
Besides the benefits strictly related to the daily management of the city, the real time data provided by new and upgraded sensors will be made available also to the other project partners, in particular to the regional partners (Autonomous Province of Trento, Autonomous Province of Bolzano and Brenner Highway). This will allow significant synergies along the so-called Digital Green Brenner Corridor and will guarantee added value to the information that, in cooperation with the tasks that will be carried out by the other project partners, will be distributed to users of the road network with the aim of optimising traffic levels and travel times.
The project schedule is as follows: