T5.03 DE Integration of data on Freight Traffic Centers, Shared Mobility and Electro-Mobility into the Traffic Information chain

Overview/ summary

Bayerninfo provides multiple data concerning traffic information. This includes real time data to generate congestion messages, notifications of dangerous situations, road works information, data on public transport and more. In addition, data on shared mobility services, electro-mobility and parking information is being integrated to Bayerninfo to ensure an even better user experience and to encourage multimodality. Furthermore, Bayerninfo contains information on freight transport i.e. data on truck parking spaces and data on freight traffic centers.


Already in the mid-90s, the Bavarian Road Administration has launched the internet traffic information service at www.bayerninfo.de. The systems have been extended over the years, new data sources have been integrated and new partners have been acquired. Bayerninfo now collects a comprehensive set of important traffic information for all means of transport, offers internet services and provides data for third party applications.

Further reading

More information: https://www.bayerninfo.de/en/ Contact Mail: zvm@lbd.bayern.de Phone: +49 89 558918 219  

Pictures/media/video's/news items

Figure 1: Data on Freight Transport (Truck parking spaces and Freight Traffic Centers) in Bayerninfo

The core message

The goal of Bayerninfo is the constant improvement of traffic information. Reliable traffic information can contribute to a better traffic situation. Due to the variety of integrated sources i.e. E-Scooter, public transport, multimodality along the route chain can be promoted. With the integration of charging stations and data on shared mobility, the latest developments in the field of mobility are addressed. Furthermore, Bayerninfo not only provides information for individual traffic but also for freight transport. Specifically by integrating the freight traffic centers, important information on freight traffic transshipment points is available.

Deadline for the integration of all data is December 2025.